Saturday, November 17, 2012

Total Spudette

I have not devoted much time on McKenna updates for the main fact of having little time. I knew with her arrival it meant lots of visitors, different schedules for Jason and I and still attending a variety of events and practices. All of these happenings took up plenty of time and blogging wasn't a priority compared to hanging out with the cutest daughter I have! Now that she has gotten older, 4 months a week ago, her schedule is different and she takes longer naps (that post is for a different time, Babywise is AMAZING) I have more large chunks of time during the day to spend doing things around the house and blogging. So this is the start of my attempt to update you on our little girl's first 4 months.
Asleep with Dad while Mom gets her bottle ready.

McKenna's 4 month appointment went great, minus the vaccines.! It is so hard to watch your little baby in pain even when its for a good reason. She is 16lbs.(90%) and almost 25 in.(70%) long and extremely healthy which is all that matters. During our appointment McKenna started showing off for the Doctor and even grabbed her nuk out of my hand and put it in her mouth. She had never done that before, usually she can get it close but is typically sucking/chewing on the hard plastic part of the front or side but that day she finally got it! McKenna is also becoming more and more focused. She will look and watch for her nuk and especially her bottle, she definitely knows her bottle when she sees it, she also loves watching dad, mom, and Sophie (our lab mix). Sophie and McKenna were never really that interested in each other but lately McKenna can't keep her eyes off of the dog while Sophie still runs and hides every time McKenna starts to cry. 

When we got close to the 4 month mark we also started cloth diapers. This topic seems to be a difficult one for some people saying that issues with cloth diapering outweigh the benefits. Deciding to cloth diaper was a no brainer from before McKenna was here. Shortly after we got married two of our neighbors and close friends were pregnant. Both of their husbands were studying to go into the full time pastoral ministry and both cloth diapered. Now I'm not saying if your in the ministry that you have to cloth diaper, it just so happens that alot of people who are in the ministry do cloth diaper. The main reason being cost, which is true for us as well. This blog post goes into great detail, she did a TON of research, about the cost difference between disposables and cloth...about $3000 difference and that's only for 1 child. After having so many trustworthy friends using cloth and seeing how much we could save it was a no brainer for us, but I do know that it's not for everyone. So far we have 2 new bumgenius, love them, 4 second-hand fuzibunz, love them, and 6 thirsties covers with about 20 prefolds, starting to like these more. Originally I had issues with the thirsties, leaking being the main problem but I think it was due to my inexperience with cloth. After a few days and trying different folds with the cover we have been leak free :) Besides starting our cloth diapers life around here as been amazingly relaxing and simple. Fall seems to have officially started here in Colorado with cooler temperatures and we couldn't be happier to finally have Holidays just around the corner. We are looking forward to getting together with great friends to celebrate Thanksgiving and all we have been given this year and then Christmas will be here before we know it and some of our family will be with us to celebrate our Savior's birth. We can't wait!! Here are some pictures from McKenna's first few months. We love her to pieces!

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