Monday, February 20, 2012

New Life in CO

I would think that with my new found freedom of time, free from school, student teaching and portfolio, that I would have figured this blog thing out already. Like rule #1 - Post at least once a month, otherwise your news is outdated. But alas, I have yet to understand and abide by rule #1.  But I'm trying....that counts right? Anyways, life since moving to Colorado has been full of excitement. We have met so many gracious people from our new church family who have helped us tremendously! When we first moved they met us and the moving truck, by bringing meals the first few days, taking us around town and inviting us into their homes and lives. We have been very moved by their outpouring of love and joy that we are here; we couldn't be happier to be part of a church family that is so inviting to anyone that walks through the doors.

Since it has taken me so long to update our lives I'll try to recap for you all of the major happenings so far. After a great road trip from New Ulm, MN to Colorado Springs, CO three vehicles, five adults, five children(one in utero), and one dog arrived safely at our new house. We drove up to meet 9 men from FOL ready to unload the truck for us. It took us 1 1/2 days to load it but only took them about an hour to completely empty it. We were thrilled for their help. Then we walked into the kitchen to find the fridge, freezer, and the pantry stocked for us. We were absolutely floored by our welcome committee.
While my mom and our friends, Katrina and Phil and their family were still in town we were able to arrange most of the furniture, hang wall pictures, get the bedrooms settled and the kitchen ready for living in. Jason and I couldn't have moved in without all of their help, especially because I realized that the altitude made me very tired on top of being 13 weeks pregnant.

Installation Sunday was the next big day. It was great to met and greet all of the members at the cake reception following the service and also have them meet our friends and family that were able to be there. The day before Jason's mom and dad had flown in to be there for his installation which was a huge surprise considering that none of us knew they were coming. After an exciting morning we all went back home and were able to just relax before Katrina, Phil and their family had to start driving back home. The next day my mom and Jason's parents also headed home. Having everyone leave was bittersweet especially now that we're so far from our friends and family we were unsure how long it would be again before we saw them. But it was a great experience to have so many people with us who supported us in this huge new chapter of our lives, it made the transition much easier.