Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Getting Back into Life

This week life finally seems to be coming together, at least in my head. This post isn't meant to be deep and super thought provoking but rather a little reminder for me that my life, like yours, comes in tides. And the tides are something to be grateful for.

 This week is a perfect example of how life makes sense because it's 'low tide' in our house. I started the week being able to see everything I needed to to-do list which is a weekly, if not daily, occurrence was very clear:

  • grocery shopping at Costco and Sprouts, our produce store/farmers market
  • Returning library books
  • Picking up C's birthday gift for his party Friday night
  • Sewing two skirts *correction....attempting to sew two skirts*
  • Continue running every morning 
  • Starting back at the gym doing early A.M. Bootcamp 
  • Play outside in the water with Kenna at least 3 days...hail has already interrupted a day
  • Skype with at least 1 set of grandparents
  • Continue studying for my teaching license 
  • Complete and publish 1 bog post...I've been lacking a great deal in actually finishing the posts I start
I enjoy weeks like this one when everything seems clear and attainable, something i need to remember to be thankful for. Last week was a different story, it was a 'high-tide' sort of week. I knew I had my to-do list to complete and a number of other things that popped up but I couldn't seem to see everything I needed to do in a clear and organized way. I was too busy trying to get back into the swing of things from our family visiting backed immediately with camping in the mountains....It seemed like I kept forgetting what I was supposed to do until it was almost too late. 

My daily running has been just right in helping me sort through the day before it really begins. If gives me a chance to give the dog a work out and to clear my head. On my walk today, walking instead of running to try and heal a muscle issue I've been dealing with, I got to have a heart to heart with God. Bringing all of my concerns, issues and thankfulness and place them at His feet, it was an amazing way too start my day. My guess is that everyone has some activity that gives them a chance to clear their heads and have some 'me time'; if so I hope it gives you the same satisfaction and appreciation for your 'tides' in life as my running does.